Healthy mind and body through exercise is helpful through out pregnancy.
In this article I am going to share with you some pregnancy safe exercise guidelines for the second trimester. We will also chat things you may have noticed changing about your body as you continue through your pregnancy.
Welcome to the second trimester. They say this is the easiest of the 3 trimesters. For a lot of women the morning sickness would have faded, your breasts might have stopped aching and the exhaustion may not be as bad.
Trimester 2 – changes in your body.
You may or may not have a bump yet if you’ve just entered the 2nd trimester as we all carry differently especially depending on how many pregnancies you’ve had previously and your natural shape. By the end of this trimester most if not all of us will have a bump of some kind.
I love how we all carry so differently and its so beautiful to see bumps of all shapes and sizes. If this is your 2nd, 3rd or more pregnancies you will probably find your bump appears quicker and if its your first or you might find it could take a lot long to see a proper bump.
Just like you have my struggles. I personally find this stage between 15-20 weeks hard as you start to grow and change. This is the time I start to look inward and work on my self and body confidence.
Although it can be an easier trimester for some of us it can still be a struggle and new symptoms can start showing. Your body may start experiencing extra pain and instability in our pelvic joints, you may have what feels like sciatic pain but is more likely Pelvic Girdle Pain. Upper back and postural pain is also common as your body grows.
Abdominal separation.
If you previously had abdominal separation that can start appearing again too. With every subsequent pregnancy your abdominal separation can return quicker and worse. It is important to be ensuring correct and safe exercise. Remove any traditional abdominal exercises or anything that places increased pressure through the abdomen. This is the same for pelvic floor issues they can return earlier. If it’s your first pregnancy you may start noticing leakage or weakness through out this trimester.
Another symptom you may notice is that you’re easily out of breath which is totally normal as your uterus grows, your blood volume increases and your organs become crowded. It is important to monitor your intensity while exercising to ensure you don’t push your self too far. Keep it to max of 5-6/10 if you’re a beginner-intermediate or 7/10 if you’re more advanced.
Listen to your body and your breath. If you feel dizzy or light headed stop straight away and catch your breath while gently walking around.
Don’t forget – Your Body Is doing an incredible thing to create life.
You might notice during this trimester stretch marks and cellulite appearing. Try not to panic and remember your body is doing what it needs to carry your child. Stretch marks do fade over time. There is no real way of preventing them but I do like to use a nice oil on my tummy to help with them and also relieve and tightness or dryness on the skin as your tummy grows.
This trimester is where you’ll start to seeing weight gain happening. Again, try not to be alarmed, it is completely normal and essential to growing a human. If you are concerned with rapid or extreme weight gain speak to your OB or doctor about ways to manage.
Pregnancy Safe Exercise Guidelines Second trimester:
– All pregnancy guidelines for trimester 1 to be included which you can find HERE.
– Gain medical clearance from GP or OB
– Remove all high impact movements (jumping, skipping, running etc.)
– No heavy lifting to protect pelvic floor.
-If you are experiencing pelvic pain please seek the advice of a women’s healthy physiology ASAP.
– Remove pull ups & full push ups to protect the core from intra abdominal pressure which can lead to separation and to protect the pelvic floor.
– Use a swiss ball or wall for movements as an alternate for things like pushups or when performing weight based exercises.
– Have feet in a narrow stance for (about shoulder width) when performing squats & deadlifts if you are experiencing pelvic pain or instability.
– Perform squats and deadlifts no deeper than a 90 degree angle ( thighs parrallel to floor) , this will protect your pelvic floor and pelvic joints.
– Avoid supine (laying on your back) exercises from 16 weeks. You can modify some movements by placing your feet on a step or the lounge to keep your hips higher than your heart or your shoulders on an incline when doing weight based exercises such as a bench press which will allow the continued flow of oxygen and blood to baby and yourself.
– Avoid prolonged stationary standing to perform weight training – perform seated, while slowly walking on bench or swiss ball.
– Work on strengthening your posture with back exercises some ideas : seated row, low row, bent over row (if your tummy isnt it the way), one arm row.
– If you are experiencing pelvic pain avoid one legged movements such as lunges or any movement where your weight is on one side of your body.
– If you are experiencing instability or pain in pelvic joints or region: No walking lunges.
– Remove traditional abdominal workouts and focus on your deep core engagement and pelvic floor instead. Here are some pregnancy safe abdominal exercises.
– Continue with your pelvic floor exercises.
– Light-Moderate weights, resistance bands and body weight for resistance training – try lower weight and higher reps.
– Include 20 – 30 mins of moderate cardio 3-4 times a week -there are no longer limits on your max heart rate but a pregnant woman should never exert themselves so much they are out of breath and unable to speak a sentence.
– Listen to your body and if you are not comfortable or something does not feel right stop immediately.
Any questions about Pregnancy Safe Exercise Guidelines for second trimester please leave a comment below or reach out on instagram.
With Love,
Brittany xx
Nov 3, 2020