The warm weather is upon us! YIPEE….Let’s say good bye,bye and c’ya later to that cold, dreary weather and those bad habits you’ve built up over winter and say HELLO to Spring, summer, better moods, a happier life and of course the warmth.
What better time of year than spring to clear out, re-organise, re-asses and de-clutter your life and I don’t just mean your house, I’m also going to go through some ways to re-organise yourself, your relationships and your body.
The winter months means more indulging on treats and heavier dishes with loads more carbs to keep us warm. Now it’s Spring commit to cleaning up your diet by making simple and easy swaps. Salads for lunch instead of toasted sandwiches and grilled meats with steams veggies for dinners instead of your heavier pastas or slow cooked meals we find ourselves eating in Winter. Get your hubby on the BBQ (or do it yourself) and cook up lean meats and serve with salads outdoors in evenings. Another thing I love about the warmer months is that I crave smoothies and cold veggie juices. I love a nice breakfast smoothie in summer full of fruits, almond mylk and protein powder.

Feeling tired, bloated and sluggish? How’s your gut health? One of the best things to improve your overall wellbeing is to look after your gut health.
Commit to starting by taking a pro-biotic supplement every day. Set an alarm to remind yourself if you need to. I use the PONO Probiotic’s because they taste great, I look forward to having them everyday so I know I’ll always remember to take them.
Some other simple ways to look after your gut health:
– Eat more fermented foods such as yogurt, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso or tempeh.
– Avoid foods with high, processed sugar content.
– Avoid too much processed junk foods foods: choose more fresh meats, veggies and fruits.
– Lower your alcohol intake.
– Avoid taking unnecessary anti-biotics.
– Reduce your stress levels by practicing meditation or finding some “me” time in your life.

Admit it – you never wear at least 30% of what’s hiding in your cupboard. Maybe you’re a mum now and none of your pre-baby clothes fit any more or maybe you’ve spent WAYYY too much money on things that still have price tags? It’s time to part with the crap, yes even that sequin body-con dress that you wore clubbing in 2008 which you will never wear again but reminds you of the hot bod you used to flaunt around.
If you haven’t worn it in the last few months, if there’s still price tags and you bought it last year or it doesn’t fit any more – GET RID OF IT! If you need to try every single piece on in your wardrobe and if you feel any less than amazing its time to GO! BE BRUTAL and see how fantastic you feel in a few weeks time when you love and fit everything in your wardrobe.

Do you love your job? Do you have a passion and are you driven to succeed in your chosen field? Are you at home with your kids but long to start your own business or return to work? There is no better time than now to re asses where you want your life to take you. Sit down make a plan, chat to your partner or employer if you need to and set it in to action. Stop waiting for the perfect time and make a change now. YOU GOT THIS!
5. CLEAN OUT THE TOY ROOM (Or toys all over the house) and your desk.
This sounds random but seriously I can’t be the only Mama who feels anxious by all the clutter of toys in your home. The transition from newborn, to baby, to toddler means an accumulation of stuff, crappy toys and most of them probably aren’t of a suitable age for your kids any more so bag them up and donate them to a local charity or give them to a friend who has a younger baby.
The next thing to clean out and re-organise is your desk/work space. Having an organised work space will allow for more motivation, less procrastination and more productivity.
If you don’t already have one or it was relaxed over winter find yourself a new morning routine to set your mind in the right mood for the day. Include things like a morning meditation (as little as 10 mins), a glass of warm lemon water with a dash of apple cider vinegar, a morning journal, some stretching or yoga while the kids eat breakfast, reading of positive affirmations and a nice walk with your baby or kids outside. Having a morning routine will help in your mindset and feeling more balanced. The best thing about a morning routine is that it can start at anytime that you wake so if your baby is an early riser use it to your advantage and start your day on a positive note.

It’s not always easy to do but it is very important to asses your friendships and relationships and learn to step away from those who bring you down, make you sad, feel uncomfortable or are competitive. Friendship should be easy and two sided. It’s ACTUALLY OKAY for a friendship to end – you’re allowed to move on, change and grow. This also goes for online friendships and even who you follow on social media. If you feel weird about a relationship online you can end it OR if there are certain people who you’re constantly comparing yourself to online its simple just un-follow and focus on yourself and what you do have to give or love about your own life.
Guess what by removing yourself from those negative relationships you’ll have more time focus and enjoy your real friendships.
It’s way too easy in our busy lives to forget about our partner and our relationships at home. Spend some time thinking of ways you can solely focus on each other and make a plan to spend quality time together. Some ideas can be a weekend away every few months, a planned date night, technology free days or evenings or even just a glass of wine at the end of a busy day to chat to each other. It doesn’t have to be grand but it is so important for the health of your relationship.

SUMMER is coming… whether you like to admit it or not you want to feel good in those summer dresses and swim wear knowing you have done everything you can to love and look after your body so it is time RIGHT NOW to commit to your fitness. Join a gym, by a at home program, sign up for Pilates and make the change you’ve been wanting to do. Maybe you have been training through out winter but not exactly giving it your all? Well NOW is also the time to step it up a notch and see the benefits for your body, mind, energy levels and overall health. Re assess your goals and get to the “why” of them – try to make them less about appearance and more about the way you feel and your actual health.

10. SAY NO
Learning to say no more and commit myself to less has been the most refreshing and life changing thing for me in the last little while. And what a perfect time to have less commitments than in spring or summer so you can enjoy your life with your little people and your family. Say NO to things that bring you stress, make you feel overloaded, things that feel forced, extra work you don’t need or things that don’t easily fit in to your schedule. You are allowed to say NO! By saying no more often you will find so much more time to say YES to the things in your life that bring you real joy and fuel your passions.

Now it’s time to go Spring Clean your life… let me know how you go!
Brittany xx
Oct 9, 2017