These tips are from myself and my instagram community in no particular order!
If your anxiety is ongoing or overwhelming please seek medical advice.
I hope these can help you.
Take a nap.
Breathing techniques. (Click here for some ideas)
Listen to a podcast.
Essential oil blends. (Check out @thecalmcompound on Instagram)
Grounding technique: Focus on your senses – something you can see, smell, hear, taste and feel.
Make friends with it – call it a name, speak to it with love, accept it as part of you and stop the fight and battle with it.
Close your eyes and think of the things that make you happy.
Take a Hot or Cold shower depending what soothes you.
Lavender oil before bed and on pillows.
Practicing mindfulness in every day life ( some ideas can be found in this blog)
Removing yourself from people who trigger you.
Leaving the stressful or overwhelming situation and taking some time to yourself.
Visit psychologist.
Call a friend.
Cuddle your kids, partner, friend.
Go outside.
Self help books.
Go into nature – the bush, the rainforest, the ocean.
Eat nourishing foods that make your body feel good.
Have a check up at the doctors.
No coffee or alcohol while feeling extremely anxious.
Go see a friend for a catch-up.
Rationalise your thoughts. Make a list of what could really go wrong.
Question your own thoughts.
Journal your thoughts. (Click here for blog and journal template)
Colour in, draw or doodle on paper to release nervous energy.
Go for a run or walk.
Play with the kids/take kids to the park.
Sing your favourite song.
Create a happy playlist and play it when feeling overwhelmed.
Supplements – B12, magnesium.
Calm App – guided meditations and stories.
Tap into your spirituality and practice gratitude.
Square box breathing. (HERE FOR MORE)
Calming non caffeinated tea – camomile etc
Finding people on instagram or social media who make you feel less alone.
Simplifing your life.
Say no to things that don’t serve you.
Positive affirmations or mantras. Write them down. Repeat them vocally.
Find a creative outlet or hobby.
Read a novel – disconnect from reality.
Warm bath.
Work out your triggers and work on ways to either avoid or overcome them.
Daily routines and checklists.
Ultimate Patches. (Click here)
Watch a funny or easy to watch movie or reality TV to disconnect.
Cry and let it out.
Limit sugar all the time.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. (Click here)
EFT Tapping therapy (Click here )
See a naturopath and get herbal blend.
Keep Busy.
Get quality sleep.
Being organised and prepared for events.
Knowing boundaries and keeping them with people and situations.
Open the window and blinds.
Be gentle and kind to yourself.
Cancel plans that are causing anxiety.
Stay hydrated. Lots of water.
Disconnect from social media.
Take a mental health day from work.
Track symptoms and triggers and keep track of how you deal with the same situation the next time.
Have a weekend away.
Get a massage.
Go to bed early.
Positive affirmation cards.
Do your best to get through the day with out placing any expectations on yourself.
Count to 10 slowly. Take 10 slow breaths.
Find something to laugh at or someone to laugh with.
Positive self talk. Push out negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
Accept and remind yourself you cannot control everything.
If you have any more ideas leave them in the comments below.
If you need to talk you can call these hotlines:
BEYOND BLUE 1300 22 4636
PANDA (pregnancy and postpartum help) 1300 726 306
Feb 23, 2020
Thanks for all those since this Covac 19 I am very Anxious 😟 every day In Morning I drag myself out of bed. I don’t even care what I am wearing no makeup. I pray every night and in Morning that I may go through the day.