I often get asked why I started my blog and what I love about it and social media.
There are a lot of things to love about blogging and sharing my life on socials (and of course there can be some negatives) but there are a few of things that really stand out to me and give me the passion and drive I have to keep doing what I do.
The first and most important thing for me is being able to use my platform to motivate & inspire women particularity mama’s to move their bodies and improve their health & fitness not just for their bodies but their minds too.
I just want women to know that exercise can be practical, simple and can fit in to their everyday and to also ensure Mum’s and Mums-to-be are practicing safe exercise for their current and future selves.
Fitness has been my passion and career for 10 years now and being able to help others find a love for it to makes my soul happy!
The second thing I love about social media is that I can use my platform to raise awareness around mental health issues by sharing my own struggles and being open and honest about my mental health in the hope that it helps others to see they are not alone and hopefully give them a little push to seek help and talk about it.
By speaking out about mental health illness we can remove the stigma surrounding it. Even in just the last year I have seen more and more brave women opening up on their socials about all types of mental and personal struggles.
How amazing is it that there are more women every day feeling confident enough to speak up?!
The emails and messages I get from women thanking for me being so open, talking so honestly and sharing my stories are the most amazing and heartwarming thing you could ever receive. To know you can help someone just by sharing your struggles is pretty incredible.

And finally, the third thing and my favourite thing I love about Social Media is the friends I’ve made and the community I am apart of thanks to this little app called “Instagram”.
Motherhood and even adulthood in general can be lonely and secluding.
As we grow up and our friendships change or we get married and have kids we tend to spend a lot more time alone, this is especially the case when you first become a Mummy. The first month or so all your friends are there to visit the baby but of course their lives have to go on as does yours and you find yourself spending days and nights on end by yourself with only the sounds of your babies crying or toddler chatting in their own language.
Having my Instagram community has provided me with a communication tool to the outside world, advice on the hard days and lots and lots of laughs as we all go through the crazy ride that is motherhood.
Seriously, How awesome is it that at any time of the day or night you can ask like minded people in your space a question or ask for advice and you get a response, an answer, help/support or even an idea for what to cook for dinner and that response could come from a woman on the other side of the country or world!
These women not only offer advice, recipes, an ear that listens but will also have your back if someone trolls you or tries to beat you down online.
I have made some of my now closest friends through Instagram – like real life friends who even though we live in different states or cities we have spent time together outside or from behind the screen in “real life.”
It has also given me the opportunity to meet so many like minded, talented women that I never would have crossed paths with if it wasn’t for social media. Women who inspire and motivate me to pursue and grow my passions and be a better version of myself every day, even if they don’t know it.
Before social media I was a completely socially awkward person, I HATED meeting new people and would do everything I could to avoid conversation with someone I’d never met before because my anxiety would always lead me to think they would judge me or that I would say something wrong.
Thanks to social media and my blog I have grown so much as person especially with my self confidence and my ability to speak to people or to a group.
Plus, how awesome is it that you can “meet” people for the first time but feel like you’ve been friends for years (or like you know their babies every movement and milestone since the day they were born) because you chat regularly on Instagram or follow each other and feel like you are apart of their everyday life.
There’s always a conversation starter when you know each other from Instagram especially if you both have babies because sleep deprivation, coffee, wine, teething and all other things #mumlife!
Social media & “mummy blogging” gets a bad wrap out there and yes, some days it can be draining especially with the trolling and judgmental comments but for me the good way outweighs the bad and I love that what it has given me both personally & professionally.
I honestly do feel (hashtag) blessed to be in the position I am in, to have a platform to share my passions and beliefs and to be a part of the community of “Insta-mums” because with out YOU and them I would not have survived some of the hardest parts of being a mama as a slightly crazy ( ok really crazy), overly anxious person.
It doesn’t matter if you have 1 follower, 100 followers or 100 thousand followers every single person in my space has helped me to love and build this little community so thank you for your support, friendships and even your “double taps” on my photos I am truly grateful for you (yes YOU)!
SO this is what I love about social media… Would love to hear what you love about it too?
Brittany xx

Jul 17, 2017