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When I was pregnant I couldn’t wait to get my old body back, not for the appearance but for the feeling of having my body back to myself. I wanted to feel comfortable, strong and stable again. In those last few months I felt like my tummy skin and muscles were stretched to their limits, my pelvis ached and I felt like I was constantly going to topple forward. 

Then the strangest thing happened, after the birth I felt like I was left with a wobbly, jiggly and unstable belly and body that didn’t even feel like my own. I remember saying to my husband “it feels like everything is just going to fall out (of my belly).”

During pregnancy you’ve been carrying around an extra 10,15 or 20+ kg so your body has stretched, grown and changed in many ways. Once you’ve had your baby you may end up with abdominal separation, a weak pelvic floor or prolapse, a caesarean wound or stitches in your perineum. All you want to do is recover quickly and feel like “yourself” again but it is super important to ensure your recovery from birth is safe and at a steady pace to ensure no long term damage occurs.

One thing I read up on a lot when pregnant was ways to aid my recovery and everywhere I looked I found these, they were even recommended to me by OB.



How can they help?

  • Reduce pain and increase pelvic/back support 

  • Anatomical panels provide consistent gentle medical grade compression to C-section or perineal wound areas 

  • Increases mobility and pelvic muscle function

  • Aids C-section or perineal trauma recovery

  • Aid in the recovery of Diastasis of the Rectus Abdominal Muscle (DRAM)

  • Support related pelvic floor dysfunction (SPFD)

  • May assist in reducing symptoms of urinary incontinence post delivery

  • Provide additional support for mobility and stability issues

After my c-section it took about a week before I could get them on but once I did I wore them every day for the next 3 months. At first I could only wear them for about an hour with out feeling uncomfortable but as the days went on I wore them for longer and while doing more!

When I had them on I felt so secure, strong and stable and doing simple things like picking up Millie or getting up and down from bed or the couch was a lot easier when I was wearing them. Once I was ready to start doing light exercise and walking I wore them to give me stability and reduce pain especially around my scar. I can honestly say I feel these were one of the biggest contributing factors as to why and how I recovered so quickly from my c-section.

I would highly recommend to every new mum to use these when recovering from birth from both my personal and professional experience.

As a post-partum personal trainer I would recommend wearing these when recovering from birth and when returning to light exercise (such as walking or gentle core and PF strengthening workouts) as the gentle compression applies supporting pressure to the pelvis, back and ab muscles which improves your mobility and also stimulates your muscles to activate them constantly which promotes strengthening of the abdominals – especially important for those Mama’s who experienced Diastasis Rectus  (abdominal separation).

SRC recommends wearing these for the first 8-10 weeks after birth but you can continue to wear them for as long you feel they are beneficial for you.



Ok, so if you’ve been following me for a while you will know I am all about the safe return to exercise and continued safe exercise for Mamas! It can actually take up to 2 years for our bodies to completely heal from pregnancy and birth and not only that, some women can have abdominal separation and pelvic floor issues long term. So it is extremely important we are wary of what we do when exercising.

The two main things I like to ensure we are looking after are our abdominals/core and our Pelvic floor.



SRC has created a compression range with women in mind which I am absolutely in love with!! I would recommend wearing these once you have recovered from birth, have medical clearance to train, are returning to the gym or exercise and no longer feel you need the full support of the recovery shorts.

These are the first leggings I’ve come across with compression panels to specifically protect the pelvis along with panels to support and protect your core, lower back and legs – all areas that can be weakened or strained during pregnancy, birth and #mumlife

Not only do they support all those areas but the compression in these tights help to prevent injury and reduce muscle soreness after working out – YAY!!

As you can tell I am kind of in love with these. I have been wearing mine and love the way they make me feel – supported, strong but are still super comfy. They also don’t go see through when you squat which makes for a winner in my eyes – there’s nothing worse than having your tights see through when your butt is facing a gym full of people!


Dont forget to head back to my Instagram @bybrittanynoonan for your chance to win either a par of “activate Leggings” or “Recovery Shorts” by SRC. (valid only until 22.4.17) 

This blog was sponsored by SRC but I would never promote or recommend anything I don’t love/ use myself or in this case that I wouldn’t recommend to my post-partum clients. For more info head and to purchase head to SRC website!

Apr 20, 2017




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