For me, when it comes to eating it has to be simple, quick, fresh and easy which is why the Health Star Rating is helping me to make informed decisions when buying packaged food to prepare healthy meals.
What I have personally noticed since I started using this system is that it has allowed me to buy the highest rated product in each food category (e.g.cereals, grains, dairy products) and then put them together with the fresh ingredients such as meats, fruits and veggies to get a quick and easy meal I know is healthy.
If you missed my last blog about “The Health Star Rating” click here to read more about it.
To give you a quick overview of what exactly the HSR is this description has been taken directly from the Health Star Rating Website :
“The Health Star Rating system is a front-of-pack labelling system developed for use in Australia and New Zealand. Its purpose is to ‘provide convenient, relevant and readily understood nutrition information and/or guidance on food packs to assist consumers to make informed food purchases and healthier eating choices’. It provides an at-a-glance overall rating of the healthiness of the food product (reflected as a star rating), as well as specific nutrient and energy information. The more stars, the healthier the choice.”
Since posting my last blog about Health Star Rating I decided that instead of just telling you what it is, I needed to show you how to use it in your everyday meal preparation so here is a little breakfast idea that you can make at home which is full of goodness.
I hope you enjoy it and let me know if you want more simple recipes like this – next blog will be lunch and dinner ideas.
(makes 2 serves)

1 cup Oats or Muesli – can be GF if needed ( Choose 4 or more stars)
Unsweetened Almond Milk (4 stars)
2 Teaspoons of Black & White Chia seeds (5 stars)
1 cup unsweetened natural yoghurt (4.5 stars) – can use soy yoghurt if needed
1 scoop of protein powder of your choice
1 banana
Plus any other fruits of your choice
1. In a bowl place oats, yoghurt, chia seeds and protein powder and stir.
2. Add a dash of almond milk and stir – consistency should be thick but still have enough liquid to soak in over night.
3. Place in fridge over night.
4. In morning divide in to two separate bowls and pour another splash of almond milk and stir through.
5. Top with fresh fruit – I use strawberries, blueberries and banana plus a drizzle of honey!
6. ENJOY!!!

This blog has been written in collaboration with and has been sponsored by The Health Star Rating but I would never endorse or recommend anything that I don’t love or wouldn’t use myself. If you wish to find out more for yourself click here .
Mar 11, 2017