As I sit here on the eve of my wedding and the last few hours of being Miss Brittany Scala I wanted to share our proposal story with you.
We were in Italy on the Amalfi Coast and it was 31st May 2015.
I can still remember David stressing over where we were going for dinner. We jumped in a taxi and I turned to him and he was so pale , he looked sick and asked him if everything was alright and said we could just go back to the room and have a quiet night if he wanted. But he didn’t want to – he wanted to stay out. Looking back now I could see how nervous he was and should have guessed something was happening.
We had a beautiful dinner on the water in Amalfi – the seafood was fresh and delicious and the wine looked and smelt amazing (I was pregnant at the time so no wine for me).
After dinner we went back to the motel we were staying in “Il Saraceno Grand Hotel” – it was the most amazing castle like hotel hanging over the ocean on Amalfi Coast. Pics below.

We grabbed our coats and went for a walk as we walked down the cliff the lights in this tiny little chaple were on so we took a peak inside. There had been a wedding there that day so there were still candles burning and white rose petals all over the floor. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. If I didn’t have pictures to prove it I’m not sure if I could have believed how perfect this was.

We sat at chatted for a minute and then stood over looking the ocean by the moonlight. Then David turned to me and got down on one knee told me all the things he loved about me and us, pulled out the most amazingly beautiful diamond ring I had ever seen and asked me to marry him. My reactions were a blur of “no you’re not, no you’re not”, “is this really happening” , “holy fuck this is happening” – he then had to ask me is that yes? and I said “Of course it’s a YES!”
The rest of our holiday I couldn’t look anywhere but at my hand. I couldn’t believe it – I was getting married to the man of my dreams.

Every day from that day I am so thankful for having David in my life and knowing I will have him by my side for ever has given me confidence and freedom to be myself. He is the most genuine, caring, thoughtful and loving person I have ever met. He is my best friend, my rock and the one person who has truly made me feel like I am enough exactly the way I am.
Tomorrow I will marry the man of my dreams. I cannot wait to be Mrs Brittany Noonan. BRING IT ON!! #noonansinlove
Sep 22, 2016