1. Sleep – Full nights of sleep, going to bed early , Saturday afternoon naps, Sleeping in on Sunday’s. A sleep in is now anything until 8am if we are lucky. They told me “nap when your baby naps” , yeah right when my baby naps I have to do clean the path of destruction the child has just created, do the house work, wash the clothes, prepare meals and possibly get 2 minutes alone to have a hot shower.
2. Running out the door to grab a coffee without thinking whether I have nappies, wipes, bottles , formula, toys, snacks and the kitchen sink packed in my nappy bag. You never realise how much stuff it takes to look after a baby until you have one. I really miss using my handbag too – I got my dream “celine” handbag as a push present and it rarely gets used!
3. Spontaneous Friday night cocktail with the girls. Or any impromptu plans now everything requires a plan and a back up plan in case the first plan doesn’t work.
4. Peeing with out an audience. One day when I’m not cool enough for Millie to hang around with I’m going to love reminding her there was a time she loved me so much that she couldn’t possibly let me go to the bathroom alone.
5. Adult conversation. My days are now spent speaking in a high pitched baby voice – like she understands me anyway?
6. My beautiful organised, clutter free home. Seriously how does such a small human come with so many accessories?
7. Relaxing brunches out. Without having to have every toy known to man, 15 different food options and an iPad to keep the baby entertained when really all she wants is to tear your serviette to shreds and throw food all over the floor.
8. Traveling with carry-on baggage only. Gone are the days of quick weekends away with your carry on bag. Now any traveling requires massive suitcases, pram, bassinet and even possibly a car seat.
9. Only having to worry about myself. I want to go out for dinner, I want to go to the gym now, I want to go back to sleep, I want to go for a run, I want to go shopping, I want to go to the cinema and watch a movie. None of that matters any more it’s all about what this little human wants and needs. What about what I want? Don’t get me wrong 99.9% I love the responsibilty but sometimes it’s nice to remember the times where I had no responsibility.
10. Resting when you’re sick. I miss being able to curl up in a ball in my bed and feel sorry for myself when I had a headache, sore throat or flu. Mum’s don’t get sick days.
End of rant. Now I’m going back to snuggling my baby because yes, I really do love being a Mummy!
Tell me what you miss about your former life by commenting on my instagram !!
Jul 11, 2016