About a month ago I realised something – I was having a bit of an identity crisis.
Since having Millie even though I have grown immensely as a person mentally I had lost myself in the nappy changes, topknots, active wear all day and #mumlife daily routine. I stopped caring about or forgot about my own personal goals, my career , I was caring less about things that I usually loved to do and even in a way I was so much less focused on my relationships with my husband and friends. My whole focus was on being “Mum.”
I think somewhere along the line we have either convinced our selves or have been convinced by social media that the best type of Mum is the one who is 100% dedicated to their child and nothing else, one that doesn’t have goals or expectations on themselves and even one who doesn’t bother taking care of themselves because they are “more” dedicated to their child. This is great if that is the type of person you are, but for me I don’t want to get trapped in that – I still want to be Brittany and I still want to achieve things for me. I am the most confident, mentally happy and determined to succeed I have ever been so why not use this to be more and do more.
Being a driven person usually who was dedicated to their work I knew I had to do something to “find myself” again.
I decided to take a look back on the year that had just gone by and to write 2 lists – one of all the things that I have achieved personally, mentally, physically and professionally since becoming a mum and one was a list of the things that I know make me happy, give me drive and set my soul on fire.
It was nice to take a look at all my achievements because I think as Mums we forget about ourselves too often as we focus so hard on our children’s achievements.
Yes, at the top of the list of things that make me happy is of course Millie and being a Mum but underneath that there were SO many other things that make me who I am, drive me and give me purpose.
Next I set myself some goals that were related around the things that make me happiest and the things that drive me. To set these goals I also looked at the things that I had achieved and worked out if there were things that make me happy that I had not had achievements around in the last year.
My goals were related around:
– Health & Fitness: working out , walking, stretching and being active.
– Inspiring & helping others: Helping other women to feel more positive about themselves, encouraging & inspiring Mums to move their bodies and to help women feel less alone in their struggles.
– Fashion: talking about fashion with friends, reading & researching the latest trends, getting up and actually getting dressed and doing my makeup – not staying in my active wear all day, actually wearing some of the thousands and thousands of dollars worth of clothing I have outside of my active wear drawer, shopping for new clothing and feeling confident in my style.
– Blogging: Using my platform to follow my passions, keep my self busy and share my thoughts.
– My husband: Being more attentive, ensuring we spend quality time together and always make each other laugh and smile every day.
There were many more things on my lists but these are my focus. Over the past month I feel like I have come a long way with figuring out who I am again and I have found my own identity outside of being “Millie’s Mum”.
I am a Mum first and foremost but I am also a driven, passionate woman who loves to help and inspire others.
I have set my self business, personal and relationship goals for 2017 and I intend to stick to them and make next year my biggest year yet.
So if you too are feeling in a slump, a little lost in Mum life or having a bit of an identity crisis, I urge you to go and make these lists, write them down and set yourself some goals to achieve. You will soon see that you too are more than just “Mum.”
If you would like some help goal setting please feel free to contact me via Instagram or my website!
Brittany xx
Dec 7, 2016