Over the last couple of months I have been sharing with you my experience with “Triple P’s – Positive Parenting Program.” I can’t even begin to explain to you the difference this program has made to me when it comes to my parenting skills, parenting goals and the expectations I place on myself and my daughter. In this blog I want to give you a wrap up on what I have learnt and what “positive parenting” means to me.
Before this program I was trying everything and anything just to get through the day while juggling way too many things, not giving Millie the attention she deserves, and then getting frustrated with her for wanting my attention and/or doing normal things babies do, like not napping on “schedule” or refusing to eat her dinner.
I believe this program has not only helped me to become a “positive parent”, but also a more relaxed woman and wife. I now feel like I understand why Millie acts the way she does at times, why it is so important for me to praise and encourage her, spend quality time doing interesting activities she enjoys and it also has given me the inspiration to ensure that I am better planning my work around Millie instead of planning Millie around my work.
The other thing I love about this program is that it encourages parents to set goals for themselves personally, and for their relationships, which is something very important to me. I strongly believe that to be the best parent you can be you need to ensure you are looking after yourself, that you have personal goals and of course that you are finding time to be active. Just because you are “Mum” or “Dad” you are also still you and you still have a relationship with your partner that deserves attention so that it too can thrive and stay positive.

So overall what does “positive parenting” mean to me?
To me, Positive Parenting means that I am a mother who is attentive, caring and proud of my child, but that I also know where and how to set boundaries for Millie. It means that I know that I am doing everything in my power to ensure my daughter grows up respectful, caring, smart and helpful.

I can honestly say that I would HIGHLY recommend this program to every single parent – it truly is a “parenting handbook”. I hope to see more and more parents completing it and am also hopeful that one day midwives and health care professionals will be recommending this to all new parents.
If you would like more info or for some great parenting tips head to “Triple P’s Facebook” .
Triple P Online is currently free in Queensland, Australia, because it’s being offered as part of a family support initiative funded by the Queensland Government. You can find your nearest seminar here. It’s also free in some other places around the world (such as a few areas in South Australia, in North Carolina, USA, and Alberta, Canada).
If you are outside those free areas you can still purchase the program for more info or to sign up click here.
In conclusion, I would like to say a huge THANKYOU to The QLD government and Triple P for giving me the opportunity to complete this program and to share it with my blogging and social media community!
If you have completed the course or are completing it let me know via my Instagram or Facebook – I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Nov 17, 2016